Feeding Frenzy 3 FREE DOWNLOAD (Final)
Download Game Feeding Frenzy Full Version Gratis. Game yang berukuran kecil hanya sekitar 7 MB. Alur game Feeding Frenzy adalah melewati stage demi stage untuk dapat sampai pada stage atau level terakhir. Game feeding Frenzy dapat terus bertahan hidup bila tidak termakan oleh ikan yang lebih besar. Dengan kata lain prioritasnya harus memakan ikan yang lebih kecil sampai target yang ditentukan.

Download free Feeding Frenzy 3 PC game - Feeding Frenzy 3 is a gamethat makes you into a ferocious fish that will eat fish smaller than him,Feeding Frenzy 3 is a popular game played, for Feeding Frenzy 3 is an easy gameto play. Feeding Frenzy 3 will give you more entertainment when you bored withthe state of work in office, where players (fish) will eat smaller fish whileavoiding other fish eaten by larger (such as white sharks and giant Barracuda).So at the end of your game (fish) will evolve to become a bigger fish to beable to take a giant white shark, the Barracuda to be the pinnacle of the foodchain. Try and feel the thrill in the game Feeding Frenzy 3.
Minimum SystemRequirements:
- Operating System: Windows XP
- Processor: Intel Dual-Core 2.4 GHz
- Memory: 512MB
- Hard Drive: 5 GB HD space
- Sound: DirectX®-compatible

Feeding Frenzy 3 FREE DOWNLOAD (Final)
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