Feeding Frenzy In A Sentence

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Feeding Frenzy In A Sentence Worksheets

  • One thing about feeding frenzies : they don't last.
  • I have the feeling there is going to be a frenzy.
  • So will this set off a frenzy of job-hopping?
  • The speculation, the conjecture, is just a feeding frenzy.
  • We had to create more shopping ambiance, less commuter frenzy.
  • I know the kind of frenzy level that she functions at.
  • In the frenzy amid the rubble, she soon became one.
  • The media frenzy that has accompanied the exhumation tapered off Tuesday.
  • Many investment experts say the frenzy has gotten out of hand.
  • Stowers said the fund-buying frenzy also reflected another factor.
  • It's difficult to see frenzy in a sentence .
  • 'It's like a feeding frenzy out there.
  • The media frenzy became surreal, and maddening, and intense.
  • Potholm said in describing the frenzy touched off by the announcement.
  • But all this frenzy has led to the inevitable caution sign.
  • The media has helped create this frenzy all around the country.
  • Of course, that did little to calm the chupacabras frenzy.
  • To be sure, this development frenzy has not come cheap.
  • The sales are part of a year-long IPO frenzy.
  • The frenzy surrounding the trial engulfed almost all walks of life.
  • And despite the media frenzy, Morris is not well known.
Feeding Frenzy In A Sentence

266+11 sentence examples: 1. Have they been feeding you well? He is feeding up the chickens for Christmas. That thin little boy needs feeding up. She was feeding a baby at the breast.

  • More Sentences: 1 23
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How can I put and write and define frenzy in a sentence and how is the word frenzy used in a sentence and examples? 用frenzy造句, 用frenzy造句, 用frenzy造句, frenzy meaning, definition, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by ichacha.net.


  • 1An aggressive and competitive group attack on prey by a number of sharks or piranhas.

    • ‘This seemed to trigger the sharks into a feeding frenzy.’
    • ‘I have seen sharks in a feeding frenzy, turtles fighting and shoals of fish so large that they blocked out the light from the surface, but this spectacle beat them all.’
    • ‘Years later, I found myself swimming backwards through the water while Stuart induced a feeding frenzy of Caribbean reef sharks by free-baiting the water with tuna meat along my path.’
    • ‘He tells us how he literally swam with sharks during a feeding frenzy.’
    • ‘Each herbivore entrapment probably triggered a feeding frenzy that resulted in up to a dozen predators being trapped as well, says Van Valkenburgh.’
    • ‘Showing the press an underwater videotape, Jeng said that in periods of calm water, they observed thousands of crabs swarm out in a feeding frenzy on the sea floor over an area of a few square meters.’
    • ‘But to start cutting would have the same effect as a rupture, it would immediately trigger a feeding frenzy in the other scavengers, and the smells of blood and meat might draw more of them.’
    • ‘In September, the crevices in the wall are crammed with hundreds of mating pairs of velvet swimming crabs, exciting swarms of fish into a feeding frenzy.’
    1. 1.1An episode of frantic competition or rivalry for something.
      • ‘The media feeding frenzy will, indeed, be massive.’
      • ‘Such an arrest would not normally arouse the media feeding frenzy that ensued.’
      • ‘He knows a coordinated feeding frenzy of epic proportions has just begun.’
      • ‘There was no feeding frenzy, no gnashing of teeth.’
      • ‘Recent shark attacks in Florida have sparked the now customary feeding frenzy in the media.’


Frenzy In A Sentence


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