Your chat (FB/Discord/Web-site) is the control panel for your orders. You send us your question and our support team finds an answer. We keep things easy! Let’s take a closer look.
Aug 16, 2019 Which Roll Would You Choose? Feeding Frenzy + Snapshot, Feeding Frenzy + Rampage, Outlaw + Kill Clip.the list goes on. Outlast really does drop with great rolls all the time. In summary, Ionized Batter massive reduction to reload speed works against Feeding Frenzy. Ionized Battery does nothing for Kill Clip since you'll never be able to use all 8 bursts before Kill Clip runs out(roughly 3 bursts out of 8 total). If you're dead set with Ionized Battery though you should consider running Swash Buckler. One melee kill will fully charge it and you can keep this active for all 8 bursts.
To ensure the order is done correctly and in time we:
- Find the right player or team
- Give him or them the order details
- Set up a convenient interaction between you and the player(s)
What happens after the payment?
The order starts after your payment is confirmed. After that the support team connects to your chat:

- First, they clarify the order details and specify your wishes (stream/convenient playing schedule/etc.)
- Then they assign unique tags to your order, depending on what needs to be done (PvP/PvE/etc.)
- From then on, the support team is responsible for your order until it is completed
Time to find the player(s)!
What do you mean by “find a player”? Aren’t they ready?
Legionfarm is a massive platform where we invite only the best PRO-players. We cannot let them sit idle – otherwise, they will get bored and leave to look for other work.
To mitigate this, we assign players as soon as an order arrives on our platform. Each order has an estimated completion date, we set up orders so that they go one after another. This rule works without exceptions and helps make both customers and players happy.
Finding a player:
- Each pro player in our system has tags which are based on his skills and successfully completed orders (PvP/PvE/etc.)
- These are the same tags that we use for orders
- Players whose tags match the tags of your order receive a notification - a new order has appeared
- Those who are interested, respond. Now we have a shortlist of suitable players
- The support team checks each player’s profile and approves the player who fits best
- The rest of the players remain on the list as potential replacements in case you want to replace your first player
Important: Players only see the order’s title and description. They don't see your personal information (name, mail, etc.) until the support team approves them for your order.

How do I know if everything is ready? Do I need to ask for updates?
- You will receive a notification as soon as a player is assigned to your order
- Our support team reveals to the player your order details and information
- Our support team connects your chat with the player’s chat – now you can contact them directly as well
We are ready to start!
During the service:
- You receive a notification from the player(s) each time they start or end a game session – you don't need to ask for updates
- Our support team is always online and ready to answer your questions
- You will also receive a notification when your order is finished and an invitation to review us on Trustpilot
Who is the support team you are talking about?
They are Petra Venj, Lord Shaxx, Lord Saladin, Xur, Ana Bray, Uldren Sov and others who don't enjoy the attention as much. Interesting mix, right? Keeping them all together is hard, but very worth it.
They have one thing in common though – their goal is to support you 24/7, regardless of time zones, holidays and seasons.
The Chalice of Opulence and the Menagerie are the two biggest features in Destiny 2: Season of Opulence. Together, this activity and item gives players a chance to farm their own loot without too much randomness. But if you want a specific weapon or armor piece, you have to know the secret combination.
We can help with that.
Gathering Runes
Runes can come from almost any matchmade activity. Using the Runefinder tool from Benedict 99-40 in the Tower or Werner 99-40 on the barge on Nessus will increase your odds for four hours. The best place to farm Runes is from Calus’ chests.
You can find four per week from completing Benedict and Werner’s bounties. You can also open chests for a hefty glimmer cost on Werner’s barge. As long as you’re playing Destiny 2 and running a Runefinder, you’ll find the Runes you need.
There are 12 different kinds of Runes, in four different colors. You’ll only start with purple Runes unlocked. You’ll have to buy Rune Compatibility upgrades on your Chalice to unlock red, then green, and finally blue. Until you buy those upgrades, those specific Runes won’t even drop.
(That said, we still recommend buying the Power and Efficiency II upgrade first, as you’ll need the bonus Imperials it rewards.)
Here’s a full list of the Runes you can find and what they reward:
- Rune of Joy – Class armor
- Rune of the Beast – Submachine guns
- Rune of Jubilation – Sniper rifles
- Rune of Cunning – Gauntlet armor
- Rune of Gluttony – Boot armor
- Rune of Ambition – Power weapons
- Rune of War – Helmet Armor
- Rune of Desire – Hand cannons
- Rune of Pride – Sidearms
- Rune of Pleasure – Chest armor
- Rune of Excess – Fusion rifles
- Rune of Wealth – Shotguns
Preparing the Chalice
The Chalice has three rune slots in it. You’ll unlock the first slot in the Invitation quest, but you’ll have to buy the other two slots with Imperials — the Chalice’s upgrade currency.
The Chalice is pretty easy to understand if you read all the tooltips, but it’s daunting at first. Let’s break it down.
This determines what kind of item you’ll get when you complete the Menagerie next and open the final chest. Do you want a sniper? Slot a Rune of Jubilation? Need a hand cannon? Use a Rune of Desire. But with only one Rune in place, the item you get will be a random selection between four available items of its type.
If you look at it like an equation, it goes like this:
- Rune of Jubilation in Slot 1 + empty Slot 2 = Random sniper rifle from a pool of four
Each weapon type has four offerings available from the Menagerie. So if you’re specifically looking for the Beloved sniper and not Twilight Oath or Fate Cries Foul, you’ll need to reduce the loot pool.
Slot 2 determines exactly the weapon you’re going to get based off Slot 1. So if you put a Rune of Jubilation into Slot 1 and want Beloved, you need to put any red Rune into Slot 2. You can always get the item you want if you follow the recipe.
Lets look at our updated equation:
- Rune of Jubilation in Slot 1 + any red Rune in Slot 2 = Beloved with random perks
Thisguarantees a Masterwork bonus of your choosing. It’s a way to further customize your drop. Each color of Rune comes with a specific stat.
Let’s add a Handling Masterwork to that Beloved we want to roll. Here’s the equation:
- Rune of Jubilation in Slot 1 + any red Rune in Slot 2 + any purple Rune in Slot 3 = Beloved with random perks and a guaranteed Handling Masterwork.
Now that you know how the Chalice works, you still need recipes if you want Calus’ cup to work for you.
Chalice Recipes for the new guns in Season of Opulence
Austringer – Kinetic hand cannon
Austringer is an Adaptive Frame, 140 rounds-per-minute hand cannon. It has a range stat of 51 out of 100, making it your perfect all-purpose hand cannon.
Recipe: Slot 1 – Rune of Desire + Slot 2 – Any red Legendary Rune
PvE roll: Outlaw, Rampage
PvP roll: Outlaw, Rampage
Beloved – Solar sniper rifle
Beloved is an Adaptive Frame, 90 rounds-per-minute sniper. It has average stats and a high aim assist, making it a great Crucible sniper if you can hit your headshots — the slow fire rate makes follow up shots difficult.
Recipe: Slot 1 – Rune of Jubilation + Slot 2 – Any red Rune
PvE roll: Demolitionist, Rampage

PvP roll: No Distractions, Box Breathing or Quickdraw
Calus MINI Tool – Solar submachine gun
The Calus MINI Tool is a high rate of fire, low damage, close range SMG. It has a unique perk on it called MIDA Synergy, which lets you move faster than normal while you have this weapon equipped. You move even faster when using MIDA Multi-Tool as well.
Feeding Frenzy Kill Clip Epicurean Man
Recipe: Slot 1 – Rune of the Beast + Slot 2 – Any purple Rune
PvE roll: Grave Robber, Surrounded
PvP roll: Slideways, High Impact Reserves
Drang (Baroque) – Solar sidearm
Drang (Baroque) is a medium impact, medium range, 300 rounds-per-minute sidearm. It has a unique perk called Together Forever, which reloads, overfills and overpowers the magazine of Sturm if you have it equipped.
Recipe: Slot 1 – Rune of Pride + Slot 2 – Any purple Rune
PvE roll: Disruption Break, Rampage
PvP roll: Quickdraw, Rampage or Swashbuckler
Fixed Odds – Solar machine gun
Fixed Odds is a low rate of fire machine gun in the High-Impact Frame archetype. It deals lots of damage per shot at a long range, so it’s great for damage over distance, and less useful in close quarters.
Recipe: Slot 1 – Rune of Ambition + Slot 2 -Any blue Rune
PvE roll: Feeding Frenzy, Rampage
PvP roll: Quickdraw, Rangefinder
Imperial Decree – Shotgun kinetic shotgun
Imperial Decree is a high damage, low rate of fire shotgun in the Aggressive Frame archetype. It’s a perfect shotgun for getting as close as you can and dealing as much damage as possible.
Recipe: Slot 1 – Rune of Wealth + Slot 2 – Any green Rune
PvE roll: Feeding Frenzy, Trench Barrel or Rampage
PvP roll: Grave Robber or Slideways, Rampage or Swashbuckler
The Epicurean – Void fusion rifle
The Epicurean is a high range, high damage fusion rifle with a long charge time. It’s a precision frame, meaning it’s highly accurate.
Recipe: Slot 1 – Rune of Excess + Slot 2 – Any green Rune
PvE roll: Feeding Frenzy, Kill Clip
PvP roll: Quickdraw, Backup Plan
Old guns and armor
We’re still working on putting everything together. Each category of item has four items, but only one is new. Check back later for the complete recipe list.
Thanks to BunnyBot5000 from the Raid Secrets subredditfor this fantastic chart, which we used alongside our own experience to create this guide.
Feeding Frenzy Kill Clip Epicurean Recipes
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