Urdu to English Meaning of حرکت دینا is Commoved. In Roman Urdu it is written as Harkat Dena. Harkat Dena حرکت دینا Meaning in English - Find the correct meaning of Harkat Dena in English, it is important to understand the word properly when we translate it from Urdu to English.
1In a state of mind which prevents normal perception, behaviour, or social interaction; seriously mentally ill.
- ‘And anyway, why would we consider Nietzsche's writings the product of an insane mind?’
- ‘But them my parents would think I was mentally insane, and send me off to some special school.’
- ‘It was one of those awkward silences that made me want to scream and break my mirror to prevent myself from going insane.’
- ‘Their country was like a man who was losing a great battle, and in his mad and insane mind he was forced to do rash things.’
- ‘The man who was slowly becoming more and more insane in Jesse's mind smiled brightly at his words.’
- ‘They intend to argue that he is too sick to defend himself, while denying that he is mentally incompetent or insane.’
- ‘She laughed, her eyes weren't focused and she seemed to have lost her mind and gone insane.’
- ‘He cannot prove to me that I am insane, for my mind has the same defect that afflicts his.’
- ‘This contrasts the twisted behaviour of the degenerate, sociopathic, perhaps insane killer that's thrown into the mix.’
- ‘Had I just gone mentally insane, or was I holding four crisp one hundred dollar bills in my hand?’
- ‘When you say diminished state, I mean, I haven't heard any sign that he had a mental defect or was insane.’
- ‘Now I am finding out that he was telling people at work that I'm insane.’
- ‘No one actually accuses me of being insane, at least not to my face.’
- ‘Why a beautiful women would want to work around mentally insane men all day was something Rachel would never be able to figure out.’
- ‘Her mind told her she was insane, but her instincts were guiding her now.’
- ‘An unspoken agreement seemed to pass between them that they were all certifiably insane.’
- ‘Seriously, who expects me to really go in and converse with such an insane psycho?’
- ‘Honestly, I don't see how I could make my social life dependent on just one person without going insane.’
mentally ill, severely mentally disordered, of unsound mind, certifiable, psychotic, schizophrenicView synonyms- 1.1(of an action or quality) characterized or caused by madness.
- ‘There was an insane feeding frenzy going on inside the reception tent.’
- ‘He is propelled into an insane frenzy.’
- ‘He lay on his back, knocked down by Michelle's flying fists that connected with his jaw in an insane fury.’
- ‘When the demons realized that the Slayer had entered into some sort of insane frenzy, they quickly turned and charged the other one.’
- ‘With insane fury, the giant men broke down the doors of the monastery.’
- ‘She looked up with eyes of insane fury that didn't seem at all normal, even for a psycho.’
- ‘Last year, when my parents decided it would be a good idea to call community mental health and the cops due to my insane behaviour Plato still got fed.’
- ‘When the three of them made it safely past Marsha and her insane, childish behavior, they sighed.’
- ‘The vendor's insane ravings do not throw any light on the matter.’
- ‘I added more insane giggles for effect hoping that it'd do the trick.’
- 1.2Extremely annoyed.
- ‘Utter failure to even attempt to play winning baseball drives me insane.’
- ‘He's driving me insane!’
- ‘He's going insane over questions being raised about his daughter's paternity.’
- ‘If the Brewers didn't want a fight, Gomez shouldn't have posed and then shouldn't have gone insane when Cole called him out on it.’
- 1.3Extremely foolish; irrational.
- ‘At the same time, all this does is alienate liberal supporters who are perplexed by her insane and pointless maneuvring.’
- ‘For people to go out and say my agent made a mistake is utterly ridiculous and insane.’
- ‘I am baffled at the ridiculous insane media coverage.’
- ‘But all the same I gave it to him without wetting my pants of muttering something stupid and insane.’
- ‘The idea that we treat these people as if they're mindless children is insane and deadly.’
- ‘He rebels by breaking free of the role by doing senseless, insane things despite his obvious talent.’
- ‘In these circumstances it is insane and illogical that we persist with youth football in darkest winter.’
extremely foolish, idiotic, stupid, silly, senseless, nonsensical, pointless, absurd, ridiculous, ludicrous, farcical, laughable, preposterous, weird, bizarre, fatuous, inane, imbecilic, moronic, asinine, mindless, hare-brained, half-baked, ill-conceivedView synonyms
2US informal Shocking; outrageous.
- ‘It may escape the insane rental prices that typify so many New York neighborhoods.’
- ‘Find a crazy low-budget horror director, shove insane amounts of money and creative control at them, and just let 'em make movies.’
- ‘The idea of combining toys and games is brilliant, but those two properties are abusing it by charging insane prices.’
- ‘In 2014, $60 for a game is a little insane.’
- ‘The insane legal costs of fighting Government intrusion is not worth it financially.’
- ‘It is absolutely insane that he was even in jail.’
- ‘Why address the symptom, piracy, of the main problem, insane taxes on games, instead of the main problem?’
- ‘Despite its insane budget, it wasn't a badly made movie.’
- ‘The weather was insane, pouring rain and wind.’
- ‘The lines get insane if it's anywhere from an hour to closing or on weekend mornings.’
- 2.1Astonishingly good or impressive; amazing.
- ‘Sales have been insane and we have stepped up development to suit.’
- ‘One of the big expenses comes from just how much insane detail they put in these high graphics games.’
- ‘Check out some insane star trails in this time-lapse video of Death Valley.’
- ‘'I think it would be phenomenal to have Rihanna there or Beyonce, that would be insane,' she said.’
- ‘To return to the screen with this love and support is absolutely insane.’
- ‘London-based solo bassist and instrumentalist Zander Zon puts his insane skills on display with this cover of Adele's 'Someone Like You'.’
- ‘'Yeah, that was pretty insane and incredible.'’
- ‘All expectations were exceeded - the action and resolution is insane at this scale.’
- ‘'It's insane,' she said of getting awarded along with Winfrey.’
- ‘You can get insane deals on shoes, so check it out!’

Mid 16th century from Latin insanus, from in- ‘not’ + sanus ‘healthy’.

Feeding Frenzy Meaning In Urdu Dictionary
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Feeding Frenzy Meaning In Urdu Youtube
Roger Pilon:
Today, of course, the redistributive powers of Congress are everywhere -- except in the Constitution. The result is the feeding frenzy that is modern Washington, the Hobbesian war of all against all as each tries to get his share and more of the common pot the tax system fills. ... It is unseemly and wrong. More than that, it is unconstitutional, whatever the slim and cowed majority on the New Deal Court may have said.
Paul Dergarabedian:
That worked the audience into a frenzy, it's just a perfect storm of Star Wars enthusiasm.
Kim Schrier:
We all teach our kids that we're better than this, that kind of rhetoric is unacceptable, and I'm hoping it brings a lot of those people out, saying,' No. We don't tolerate this divisiveness and whipping up a frenzy.'.
Firefighter Isamu Kase:
It was a hellish frenzy, absolutely horrible. People were just jumping into the canals to escape the inferno.
Michael Novogratz:
Markets usually end in one super-spike, some searing frenzy of activity.
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