Feeding Frenzy Or Serrated Jaws

They had luckily managed to secure a cabin for the three of them including Pikachu. Saying that you were Rowan's assistants with a special mission could open many doors. Brock had changed clothing as soon as he could, using Ash's spare pair of pants. They were a little tight on him but he insisted on wearing them. Dawn had been laying on the bottom bunk bed while Brock was in the bathroom. It was several hours into the night, but no one seemed to be able to sleep. Dawn had been sulking for the past few hours, refusing to talk to anyone.

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  5. Feeding Frenzy Or Serrated Jaws 1
  6. Feeding Frenzy Or Serrated Jaws 3

'Brock, are you alright in there?' Ash leaned into the door, hearing Brock vomit again and again. He had said that he was feeling sea sick, but Ash felt as though he was lying, considering that they had been on many boat rides before.

Oct 23, 2008 A researcher balances on a floating whale carcass to get photos of a Great White feeding frenzy. Jul 16, 2018  Clearly several of the traits stand out (Primal Instincts, Feeding Frenzy, Serrated Jaws, Pack Alpha, Haze of Rage, Dance of Death) over the others. Do we know which head, shoulder and chest pcs we should be grinding for? And to compound that, do we even know if for example (made up) Motherlode drops the helm with Primal Instincts or is it all. Class theorycrafting community, latest simulation results and resources -based on SimulationCraft- for World of Warcraft.

'I'm fine,' he gasped, taking a pause from the torture.

'I'm gonna go get something to eat, do you want any?'

Brock threw up again, 'No thanks Ash, I'm not really hungry at the moment, I don't think that I can eat anything right now. Even if I could, I don't think that it would stay in me for very long.'

'Alright then' Ash replied, concern for his friend was laced in his voice. He was heading for the door when he turned to Dawn. She hadn't spoken a single word since her head hit the pillow. He knew she wasn't asleep even though her breathing was normal and her back was towards him. The Pokémon had tried to comfort her but to no avail, she ignored all of them completely. Pikachu hopped onto Ash's shoulder as he stared at Dawn's still form. She was so motionless that he could've sworn she was dead. His promise hadn't consoled her at all.

'Dawn, I'm gonna get some food. You want any?'

She didn't even twitch in his direction. Ash nodded, 'I'll bring you something in case you get hungry, okay?' His only answer was silence. He closed the door, leaving the room dimly lit; it was mostly silent except for the noises of Brock's vomiting. Brock had attempted to fall asleep, only to wake up in a cold sweat.

The scenes of the Ariados had plagued his dreams a few hours earlier. All of his thoughts reverted back to it, seeing its disembodied head still clamping its mandibles together. Its headless body still scurrying in the air while the very pins its hive had fired skewered it. He had never seen Pikachu kill before; he had never considered Pikachu to be so dangerous and frightening.

Were all of his Pokémon like that?

'You look like an intelligent man; I can tell that you know when fate has dealt you a good hand.'

The salesman smacked his paper fan against the stand, drawing the man's attention from across the room. The man approached the stand curiously, his mouth full of food from the kitchen.

'Do you want to know a secret on how to make money quick and easy? I have with me a Magicarp that will-.'

The salesman never finished his sentence as a fist slammed into his face, nearly breaking his jaw.

'YOU! You're that bastard that sold me that Magicarp when I first met you; you made me lose my Victreebell too. Because of you I wasted good money, and I lost the respect of my teammates.'

The salesman was a bit dazed from the punch, but as he looked closer he realized that he had scammed this customer before. The man's lavender hair almost touched his shoulders, his emerald eyes burning with anger. The crimson R insignia of his organization was hidden under his clothes to hide his Identity. James had met this man before when they were on a similar cruise line.

'W-wait, I'm sorry. I promise that I won't do anything like this again, I swear. Don't hurt me; I have a wife and kids…possibly. Just don't hit the face.'

James proceeded to stomp and kick the ever-living crap out of the con artist that had caused him so much grief and humiliation in the past. He dusted himself off as he walked away from the twitching and mangled site.

'Wat was dat all about?' Meowth asked, taking another bite out of some cake.

'Just taking care of some unfinished business, don't worry about him, he'll live.' James remarked smugly as he wolfed down more food. Meowth eyed the large bandage on James's arm. James noticed where Meowth was staring, smiling warmly at his teammate.

'Don't worry about it, it doesn't hurt anymore' James reassured and continued eating. Meowth nodded silently, resuming what he was doing.

Ash passed them, each completely unaware of the other's presence in such close proximity. The dining room of the cruise ship was moderately filled; some people were browsing for food and eating, and others were lined up against the wall while sleeping and guarding their luggage. The room was dimly lit, the only true light coming from the heat lamps suspended over the food, making their juices glisten in the light to appear more mouthwatering. It was working.

'Brock and Dawn are missin out' Ash thought, his mouth watering at the dishes on the table. There wasn't much of a line for food; the servers seemed fatigued for the most part. Ash grabbed his plate, staring hungrily at the tubs of food shinning before him. He piled what he could on his plate, making a small mountain that teetered dangerously to a side whenever he moved it too quickly.

'Pika, Pika chu pika pi?' Pikachu said, the tone obviously concerned.

'No Pikachu, this isn't too much for me, I'm gonna eat till I blow' Ash smiled, smacking and licking his lips. Pikachu sighed, its head shaking in disappointment. In reality, this was sort of Ash's way to cope with all the stress he had built up. There was so much to worry about and he planned to drown it in his gluttony. Ash balanced his plate carefully, stopping at one tub in particular. It was a Krabby leg, lying at the mercy of any person willing to take the last one.

Ash looked around, hoping that no one else had targeted his prey before he went for the kill. From what he could see in the corner of his eyes, he was in the clear. Ash rushed over to the tub taking the nearby clamps and reaching for the leg. Simultaneously, another clamp snapped onto the same leg. Ash froze momentarily, pondering whether he should be polite and relinquish the morsel before him to the other person.

'No, I grabbed it first, why should I give it up' Ash countered within his own mind, clutching the clamp tighter. The other contender obviously thought the same thing because the clamp remained latched onto the dismembered eatable limb. Ash tried pulling the leg towards his side, mimicked only by the other person. They were at a stalemate now; strength would determine the victor. Ash pulled as hard as he could, Pikachu watching silently and with partial interest at this new development.

'Jeez twerp, give it up already, why do you want this? You already have a freaking mini mountain on your plate. Besides, I grabbed it first!' The women grumbled through her gritted teeth. Ash looked at his opponent's plate, equally large, if not a little larger than his.

'Speak for yourself, you've got more than me!' Ash grunted, falling back as the leg snapped into two pieces. Fortunately the plates and the food mounds had remained on the tray shelf. Pikachu had jumped off Ash as he fell and hit the ground, Pikachu at his side. Ash watched the crimson wisp of hair flow from her head, draped down to her waist. Her piercing cobalt eyes met with his, her scarlet lipstick painted upon her scowling lips.

'Team rocket?'

'The twerp?'

Their eyes were locked together, neither refusing to blink in case of missing something. Pikachu was just starting to catch on, the Pokémon's gaze turned towards Jessie. Sparks flared angrily from the crimson cheeks as Pikachu stared at Jessie. Her expression was bewildered and frustrated.

The plan had been simple, they weren't getting anywhere with trying to capture Pikachu. For four years they had chased him onto different continents, not once were they even close to succeeding. It occurred to them that they were getting nowhere with this and they were better off staying away from the twerps. Even as they tried to make a scam, though not directly targeting Pikachu, their paths would cross and their plans thwarted. The agreement had been unanimous to put as much distance between the twerps and themselves. They would go back to Kanto and started beating down first time trainers as a start. It would no longer be about the quality of the Pokémon, it was the quantity. Sure the plan of picking on new trainers seemed pretty low, even for them. But they had to start somewhere. Besides, they would be able to get starter Pokémon, which weren't very common in the wild. Right when they had formulated this plan, Meowth and their other Pokémon began to go wild. Meowth had accidentally scratched James, the cut drawing blood instantly.

Both of them were surprised to see that Meowth's cut had actually wounded James and that the cut had yet to heal entirely. After a few hours, their Pokémon seemed to have regained normalcy. Meowth had tried to explain what had just happened while they were patching up James. Neither of them really understood what had taken place. They felt it would be better that they leave the continent as soon as possible by any means. The Magikarp submarine was out of the question considering that they would have to pedal an entire ocean. On the other hand, their Meowth balloon only had enough fuel to make half a trip across the ocean. They had settled by a town, purchasing tickets to the local cruise line that would transport them away from Sinnoh. It was pricey considering that they were taking a lot of luggage with them, but it was better than pedaling or having to stand for hours in an air balloon. They had expected that as they headed back to where the twerp first started his journey here on the continent, he would be progressing forward while they headed back. Why on earth would the very person that they were avoiding and that was days behind them be here?

'James, Meowth!' Jessie yelled. The two reacted immediately, throwing their plates of food away and assuming position.

'Oh god no, not this again' Ash moaned mentally.

'To protect the world from devastation-'

'Uo ani all epls-' James stopped to swallow the food in his mouth before continuing any further. 'Within our nation-'

'Jessie was annoyed at the lack of professionalism but continued.


The whole ship seemed to shake and shudder, anyone that had been standing was thrown to the ground. Everyone was just starting to get up when the ship leaned to the right. Plates and food started sliding down the incline, crashing onto the floor, shards and pieces of food tumbling along. The ship shuddered and began leaning in the other direction.

Feeding Frenzy Or Serrated Jaws

Ash began to roll in the direction of the incline, as were the people that had cocooned themselves in their sleeping bags. Tables began to slide along with anything that wasn't bolted to the ground. The boat balanced itself out after a few seconds, Ash the first to get up and try and assess the situation. Pikachu followed Ash as he ran to the side of the boat. His body slammed into the rails painfully as he tried to stop, Pikachu hopping onto his shoulder as he looked out into the sea. The night was an opaque darkness that let no moonlight filter through the black clouds.

Ink seemed too pallid compared to the void that was the ocean. Ash heard a splash from below, his body leaning dangerously far over the edge of the rails. He watched in horror as dozens of Sharpedos sprang from the ocean's surface. They spun rapidly, becoming blurs as the tips of their noses pierced the metal on the side of the cruise. Gaping holes were born on the side of the ship, left wide open to let the sea fill in the gaps with water. Dozens of Sharpedo did this, repeating the process with no end in sight. The area behind them began to bubble before something burst from the water.

Ash watched it rise up floors, stopping before him, each at eye level. Its black rounded body was in complete contrast to its white eyes, a sapphire crown atop its head with ruby encrusted jewels shinning from each globe. Eighty tentacles rose from the ocean as the Tentacruel began boarding the ship. Someone from behind him screamed, triggering the Tentacruel's instincts. A tentacle surged forward, its width the same as both of Ash's legs side by side.

Ash ducked, the tentacle boring through the steel to the kitchen, and silencing the screamer. Hundreds of other screams exploded from the room. The tentacle began sliding back and forth, tearing up the metal as if it were paper. Ash began to crawl downstairs while the Tentacruel blindly swiped at the kitchen's interiors. Pikachu scampered ahead of him, showing him the way to the stairs.

He reached the stairs and rolled down a flight. As painful and uncomfortable as it was, it got him down there quicker than if he crawled. He wasn't about to do that for the next flight so he got up, following Pikachu down. Ash practically jumped down the flights of stairs, wincing as his feet slammed into the ground and absorbed the shock. Pikachu did the same but more nimbly, waiting for Ash at every drop.

He had reached the floor where they had stayed after what seemed like forever. Ash was reluctant to get anywhere near the rails. As he stepped onto the floor he slipped, the entirety of his body slamming into the ground. Pikachu had also slipped and landed flat on its stomach as soon as it touched the floor.

Feeding Frenzy Or Serrated Jaws Youtube

Ash lay there for a few seconds before forcing himself to get up carefully. The surface of Ash's shirt was wet, as were his gloves and knees as he got up. He looked around for the source of water, seeing that the next flight of stairs was completely submerged. Water was beginning to flood out of the bottom floors and into this one.

This ship was sinking.

Ash tried to think of a way to stand up and not slip again when the surface of the submerged flight began to bubble. The splash made Ash instinctively push his body away from the water, his body sliding along the wet floor. The serrated jaws of a Sharpedo snapped at nothing while it wriggled on the ground. Ash could see its intentions as it squirmed towards him.

Ash's hands found the railing, lifting himself up and using it as his support. Pikachu slid to his side, for some reason Pikachu made no attempt to attack. The Sharpedo stopped moving, opening its mouth wide and baring its rows of teeth. Ash pulled himself away from the range of its attack, his feet sliding on the floor with the rails as his guide. Light erupted from Sharpedo's mouth, the pillar of light enveloped part of the railing. Ash stared at the orange and yellow beam of light as it traveled into the night sky and glimmering out of existence. He looked back on the section of the rails that had been enveloped by the light, in its place nothing was left but the glowing molten ends. The Sharpedo looked exhausted from the attack, slumped along the floor and panting.

'It knows Hyper Beam?! I have to stop it before it attacks again.'

'Pikachu, use Thunderbolt' Ash said calmly, Pikachu shook its head.

'Why not?' Ash said, his voice now getting a little panicky as the Sharpedo began regaining its strength. Pikachu pointed to the floor, its paw splashing the water leaving small ripples.

'There's water everywhere, if Pikachu uses any electric attacks, it'll hurt anyone touching the water'

'Pikachu, see if you can get that Sharpedo into the air, then use it' Ash advised.

Pikachu nodded sliding over to Sharpedo on its belly, spinning counterclockwise before getting near it. Sharpedo's glistening teeth clicked together as it snapped at Pikachu's body. Pikachu's tail was held before its mouth like bait, the Sharpedo not giving it a second thought.

Before its teeth crunched onto the tail, Pikachu's tail flashed silver with a metallic clang. Rows of teeth sunk into Pikachu's tail, some shattered but blood still drew from the wound. Sharpedo's entire body was lifted by the iron tail and flung over the rails. Pikachu jumped up, lightning zigzagged through the air and struck Sharpedo on the nose.

Its body was instantly charred and thrown into a frantic seizure. Ash looked away, knowing what he would've seen had he continued to watch Sharpedo as its eyes bugged out. Pikachu landed and scampered over to Ash with a smile on its face. Ash looked over the railing, watching the flaming body splash into the water. His face contorted into a horrified grimace as the area around Sharpedo began to bubble.

The flames were gone, revealing Sharpedo's blacken body, but not for long. Patches of skin were quickly being torn from every angle as Carvanha feasted on its own brethren. Ash looked at Pikachu, smiling at having done the task it was asked to do. When Ash didn't return the same sentiments, Pikachu's expression changed to concern.

Ash didn't know whether to be happy that Pikachu had killed Sharpedo, or uneasy that Pikachu had killed Sharpedo. In the end, Pikachu had killed another living creature. Whenever Pikachu had done something that Ash asked it to, Ash would congratulate Pikachu afterwards. Now, he didn't know whether he could honestly praise Pikachu for killing.

'T-thanks for…saving me, Pikachu' He said uneasily, forcing his arm over to Pikachu's head and ruffling the yellow fur between the ears. Pikachu did not squeal in delight, seeing through the charade that Ash put on.

'Sorry Pikachu, I'm not used to this, I'll get over it, just give me some time.'

Pikachu nodded solemnly, hopping off the railing and scampering next to him. Ash began heading to Brock and Dawn's room with Pikachu. He noticed that Pikachu hadn't jumped onto his shoulder. Pikachu didn't even make eye contact with him, its eyes staring only forward. Ash swiped his keycard through the door, opening it as soon as the light turned green. The room was empty and dark, the light from the bathroom was gone and Dawn's be was empty.

'Did they leave without me?' Ash thought, feeling instantly betrayed and angry.

'Pi' Pikachu said, pointing to the top bunk bed. Ash looked up, seeing that something was up there.

'Dawn, Brock? Are you in here? It's me, Ash. I came to get you; we have to get out of here! Water Pokémon are attacking the ship!' Ash yelled

The covers shifted and moved, Brock slipping out of the bed and holding his arms out to catch Dawn who proceeded to slip out next.

'How are we getting out of here?' Brock asked, walking through the scattered objects thrown to the floor by the earlier leaning of the boat.

'I don't really know, I thought that maybe we could think of something. I was actually worried that you guys left me already.'

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'We had a hunch that the disturbance was Pokémon related, so we thought we would hide for a while and hope that you came.'

'Pikachu's wounded!' Dawn commented.

Pikachu's tail had been bleeding from Shapedo's bite, up until now, not even Pikachu had noticed. Brock bent Down, wrapping a bandage around the wound and making a knot.

'That'll have to do for now until we can get some real medical attention' Brock said.

'We can't stay long, the boat is sinking, there's already water starting to flood on this floor.'

'All right, lets get to higher ground and then think of a way to get off this ship.'

Brock carried Dawn out of the room, Ash followed with their supplies in his hands. Their ankles were now wading through the water that had risen in the last few seconds and was continuing. The water had gotten so high that Pikachu had jumped onto Brock's shoulder, never giving Ash a glance.

They made their way up the stairs, closing the doors behind them to slow down the water. Ash tripped, his teeth only inches from the edge of the step before Brock grabbed him by the collar.

'We're gonna have to be more careful goin up these stairs, the floor's wet and we want to avoid having our teeth knocked out.'

Ash got up to his feet, Brock letting go of his shirt and placing the second arm under Dawn's body to hold her up more securely.

After carefully going up another several flights, they reached the top. There was never a stop to the screaming as people tried to escape the attacks. Three Tentacruel surrounded the ship; dozens of tentacles scanned the deck. Ash watched horrified as one man tried to make his way to them, only to be doused with an inky black liquid.

The man screamed and his body began to emit steam as the acid ate away at his skin. His body fell, only to be trampled by another person running for the exit. The man never made it as a tentacle wrapped around him and lifted him off the ground. His body flailed for a few seconds before his going limp and his screams ceased.

Billions of microscopic needles penetrated his body, all emitting neurotoxin into his system. This process seemed to occur everywhere on the deck, hundreds of black painted bodies were walked over as if they were part of the deck floor while screaming people were snatched off the boat by tentacles. Ash watched as one man dodged and ducked past the flying tentacles. It was a spectacle to see the man gracefully save himself from death.

'Get out of the way!' the man screamed, it took a few seconds for Ash's body to comprehend and comply. The man literally dived into the hallway, rolling quickly onto his back. His steaming shoes had the bottom soles missing, stepping over the acidic bodies had eaten away at the material.

'Close the door!' he bellowed, Ash doing as he was told. 'Get away from it!' the man said, already heading for the room below via the stairs. Ash backed away, jumping back as something dented the steel of the door.

'Move!' Ash yelled, jumping down the stairs after the man as the tentacle burst through. Brock followed Ash, wincing while he jumped as the tentacle probed the hallways. The man continued to go down the flights while Ash and others stopped after two.

'Sir, wait! You can't go down there! Brock, stay here with Dawn, I'll be back.' Ash yelled, running after the man.

Ash listened as the man babbled insanely, 'I'm not gonna die, I'm not gonna die, I won't end up like the others.'

'You can't go down there, it's flooded and there's Pokémon there too,' Ash yelled, but the man wouldn't listen. Ash had caught up with the man when he had reached a door they had closed to slow down the flooding. 'Don't open that door' Ash cried, but was too late as a wave of water threw him back against a wall. Ash watched as the man had only made his way a few steps through the water when a Tentacool jumped onto him. Its two tentacles wrapped around his waist and tightened, his screaming stopped. Ash began to run, hearing a sickening sound in the background of the man's spine snapping. As he rose up flights, he noticed some people running down the hall, but these weren't any random group and they gave him an idea. He reached the floor where Brock, Dawn and Pikachu were waiting for him.

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'Ash, where's the guy?' Brock asked.


Ash shook his head, panting too hard to say anything. This noticeably disturbed Brock and Dawn but let the matter go quickly.

'I…have a way…to get out of here,' Ash wheezed.

'How?' Both Brock and Dawn said in unison.

'Team Rocket is here.'

'What? How?'

'I met them in the buffet room'

'But how does that mean that we can get out of here?'

'Team Rocket always has that Meowth balloon around them, I think we can take it for ourselves. They're on the floor beneath us; we can get to the balloon if we hurry.'

Pikachu and the other two nodded, following Ash down to the previous floor. Ash closed the door behind them, seeing through a small circular mirror near the top as the stairs behind them was flooding already. The floor wasn't slippery and their shoes had dried, allowing them to run as fast as they could without worry of falling. Ash looked out the mirror on the side of the hallway, giving him a view to the side of the cruise, the ocean, and the Tentacruel.

Ash began to run even faster, telling Brock to do the same, who, after seeing the Tentacruel outside gave him more incentive. It was like watching a flipbook as Ash watched the Tentacruel through the windows he ran by. The Tentacruel lifted one large tentacle into the air aimed at them. Ash, Brock, and Pikachu reached the other end of the hallway, jumping down a flight of stairs to the lower level. The sound of screeching metal nearly deafened their ears as the tentacle dropped from above like an ax and tore through half the entire ship from the top.

Ash hadn't stopped running and neither had Brock or Pikachu. This section of the boat hadn't flooded as a few doors had slowed it down. Ash had looked back, seeing the fin of a Sharpedo through the circular window through the door. The door could burst in any second and flood the hallway and release the water Pokémon on them.

Water flooded on the floor beneath them, the Sharpedo had skull bashed the door. It looked up at them and opened its mouth, a geyser of water surged near them as they ran up another flight. The water pressure had punched a clean hole through the ceilings and the floors of the upper levels.

After enough climbing they reached the cargo room of the cruise. It was like a warehouse, rows of lights shined over the isles of boxes and the inflating Meowth balloon. The flame that inflated the balloon lit the room dimly and gave flickering shadows while James, Meowth, and Jessie were waiting in front of it.

'Freeze Team Rocket!' Ash yelled, gaining the attention of the three. They began reaching for their pokeballs. 'Do you really want your Pokémon to die by lightning? I wouldn't make any sudden moves if I were you. Pikachu will kill you if necessary.'

Their hands dropped lifelessly at their sides, standing still and waiting for Ash's next move. Dawn and Brock remained silent, letting Ash do the talking. They were kind of shocked to see that Ash would rely on threats of that caliber.

'What do you want twerp?' Jessie said angrily.

'That's Ash to you, and we want your balloon so that we can get out of here'

Jessie, James, and Meowth laughed mockingly, Ash gritted his teeth and clenched his fists.

'Do you even know how to maneuver a hot air balloon?' Jessie inquired.

'I've only done it once or twice, but considering how smart you guys are, kids could do it.'

'Ouch, no need to get mean. So your plan is to take our air balloon and leave us here to die,' James guessed.

'That's pretty much the deal,' Ash concluded.

'Ya won't make it very far, you'll be shot down in seconds considerin how slow this'll fly' Meowth warned.

'We'll take our chances' Brock interjected.

'The balloon can carry all of us,' James informed.

'Your point?' Dawn hissed.

'We can make it go fast enough to get us all out of here safely,' Jessie explained.

'How do we know you're not lying?'

The three of them stood there silently for a moment, looking at each other before answering at the same time.

'We'll let you get in the balloon first.'

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Even Pikachu was taken off guard by the proposal laid before them.

'No tricks?' Ash asked, unsure whether or not to believe them. They nodded and moved to a side, letting them through. They were hesitant at first but trudged slowly past them, their eyes never leaving the Rockets. Ash hopped into the basket and helped Brock with Dawn, Pikachu hopped on the edge. Team Rocket slowly walked over to them, even waiting for them to get into the basket.

Ash, Brock, and Dawn exchanged looks answering the other's questions without a word being said. They had the total opportunity to take the balloon and leave them stranded. But then there would always be the guilt of what they had done, and it would mean that they had sunk, if not lower, than Team Rocket themselves.

Team Rocket was about to hop into the basket when the entirety of the boat shuddered. The boat was now leaning into the ocean, pulling all the contents of the cargo room across the hall, into the center of the boat. Jessie, James, and Meowth began sliding back, the edge of the basket just out of their reach. Fear dwelled the shimmering pools of their eyes, the images of Ash and the others reflected off them.

Three arms launched out and grabbed three wrists before they got too far away. The look of surprise blossomed on their faces as Ash and the others pulled them in. The basket began to slide down as well when James yanked the cord at the top; the flame grew larger, lifting the basket above the heavy crates that would've smashed them seconds earlier.

'You coulda left us ta die an taken da balloon' Meowth remarked incredulously. Ash and the others made no comment to cure Team Rocket of their disbelief. The air balloon pushed through the roof easily, rising quickly into the sky. Ash and the others looked at the scene below them from all around. Tentacruel had split the ship in half completely where it had left off before. Both pieces were sinking into the ocean, forming a large V.

'That's the second time that we've survived a sinking boat,' James said to no one in particular, reminding Ash of the S.S. Anne. Water guns were fired at them, nearly piercing the balloon before Jessie pressed a button; making two rockets appear the sides of the baskets and propelling it out the water stream's range.

'Looks like they kept their part of the bargain' Ash thought.

'At least your mother wasn't on the boat with us' Brock said to Dawn, she nodded in agreement. Inside she was happy, but what she saw shocked her. People were jumping off the boat and into the ocean to escape the wrath of the Tentacruel. What they didn't know was that they were jumping into another form of death.

Carvanha peeled the victims to the bone within seconds; others that had tried to escape in a dingy were sadly mistaken if they thought that it would protect them. Sharpedo either knocked them over or blasted them from beneath, if the aqua jets didn't tear the people apart, then the Sharpedo would.

Tentacool grabbed people who attempted to swim away, breaking them instantly. Tentacruel picked up people swimming beneath it, snapping or crushing them within its grip and devouring them. There was so much screaming that it brought everyone on the basket on the brink of tears, with the exception of Pikachu, Brock, and Meowth. Dawn and Jessie couldn't bear to look anymore, but James and Ash stood there fascinated and horrified at the same time. Brock was silent for a while; he looked away after a few seconds.

They watched people point at them screaming for help and head towards them, only to die in vain with false hopes. It pained Ash greatly to think that they couldn't help these people, the balloon wouldn't be able to take any more weight.

'Wait, maybe there is a way that I can help them, I could kill the Pokémon and…the water. Any attack that Pikachu makes would instantly kill the survivors, I can't summon another Pokémon right now or the balloon will drop. Pikachu's attack is the only way to surely kill them in one shot. The survivors are dying anyway, would they want to be killed instantly instead of slow and painfully?'

Feeding Frenzy Or Serrated Jaws Game

'You can end their suffering, Ash. It's your call; we can't make Pikachu attack. I think they would want this, though.' Brock suggested. Ash nodded, he held their fate in his hands.

'Pikachu, use Thunder on the water near them' Ash said quietly. Pikachu nodded obediently, but never looked at him. The electric Pokémon climbed up the rope that suspended the basket and climbed up the balloon's surface. Once Pikachu was on top, it jumped, scalding waves of heat rose into the air. The clouds noticeably darkened and flashed from the internal lightning. The Pokémon stopped their feeding frenzy, staring at the celestial heavens that would be passing judgment upon them through lightning. A lightning bolt struck Pikachu, the volts absorbing into its body temporarily.

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Its fur glowed a fuzzy static golden color like when it did Volt Tackle. Pikachu released all that it had, redirecting the lightning into the epicenter of the carnage. Every living being shook violently and dropped, a floating genocide in the wake of the thunder. The people within the basket were silent, turning away from the scene.

Pikachu jumped into the basket, expecting no praise for what had been done. Ash continued to watch the scene until he could no longer see it due to distance and tears. He pulled his cap down, choking on his sobs. What would his mother think if she knew that her only son had been responsible for the deaths of hundreds of people?

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Chapter 8: Where the Broken Heart is

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