Poe Feeding Frenzy Zombies

I think changing Feeding Frenzy Support for Melee Physical Damage Support will increase our clear speed you are spot on here. However to get the most damage possible i’d put the Feeding Frenzy Support on our zombies because they are our,support’‘ guys. All the minions get the Feeding Frenzy buff anyways and we save one gem slot for the.

PoeCurrencyBuyDate: Mar/03/20 23:58:46Views: 3650
  1. The 25% less basedamage is a flat nerf of 25%, we can't really negate this, but in my opinion this is just fine, as zombies were stupidly strong. FEEDING FRENZY SKILLGEM NERFS The Feeding Frenzy buff now grants 10% increased attack, cast, and movement speed to your minions (from 15%).
  2. Jan 24, 2020  Look at my character PressCForCharacter. Feeding Frenzy is linked with Zombies and Carrion Golems, but the Skeletons get the Feeding Frenzy bonus as well since it's a buff that lingers on you and applies to all of your minions.

This PoE 3.10 Necromancer Raise Spectre build is designed as a league starter and SSF build. It can take you from a fresh league start all the way to endgame bossing on cheap or self-crafted gear. It is focused on having high survivability while still having good DPS. For rich one, consider using the endgame items suggested in the builds to achieve double DPS.

Poe Meat Shield And Feeding Frenzy

Quick Jump

Pros & Cons

  • + Fresh league
  • + Solo self found
  • + Cheap
  • + High Survivability
  • + Good DPS
  • + Good clear speed

Skill Tree


Mindless Aggression -> Unnatural Strength -> Bone Barrier -> Mistress of Sacrifice


Major: Soul of Lunaris - avoid projectile, extra dodge, avoid chain

Minor: Soul of Shakari - poison immunity

Bandit: Kill All

Passive Tree & PoB

Path of Building Link: https://pastebin.com/UUz1EdjT

Gems Setup

Body Armour

For Slave Drivers: 6 blue sockets.

Raise Spectre + Spell Echo + Elemental Focus + Minion Damage + Feeding Frenzy + Deathmark

For more DPS, swap Feeding Frenzy for Concentrated Effect

Please see Recommended Spectres section below for Awakened Gems and gems for other spectres.

Helmet, Boots & Gloves

Helmet: 1 red & 3 blue

Raise Zombie+ Summon Stone Golem + Meat Shield + Elemental Army +


1. Stone Golem gives life regen.

2. Zombies + meat shield take incoming damage.

3. Elemental Army: -10% lightning res exposure.

Boots: 3 blue, 1 red

Wrath + Generosity + Summon Skitterbots + Convocation +

1. Wrath + Generosity gives minions more lightning damage.

2. Skitterbots chill and shock enemies.

3. Convocation teleports your minions to you and heals them.

Gloves: 4 blue

Armageddon Brand + Curse On Hit + Elemental Weakness + Flame Dash

1. Armageddon Brand is used to apply Elemental Equilibrium (-50% lightning res).

2. Armageddon Brand applies Elemental Weakness curse (-50% elemental res).

3. Flame Dash to teleport away from danger or over terrain.

NOTE: Arma Brand is not needed for damage, so level 1 is enough.

Weapon & Shield

Weapon: 1 green, 2 blue

Desecrate + Bone Offering + Summon Skeletons

1. Desecrate spawns corpses.

2. Bone Offering consumes corpses to increase block chance for minions and necro.

3. Skeletons add extra minions for Bone Barrier buff and pulling agro.

NOTE: You can use Vaal Skeletons.

NOTE: Keep Desecrate at level 1.

Shield: 2 red, 1 green

CWDT + Immortal Call + Phase Run

1. Cast When Damage Taken + Immortal Call will reduced damage taken by 28%.

2. Phase Run gives +40% movement speed, phasing (run through monsters) and reduced visibility (monsters won't attack you).

NOTE: The green socket must be unlinked.

NOTE: Cast When Damage Taken should be level 15.

NOTE: Immortal Call should be level 16.


In act 1, use holy flame totem and zombies. Stand close to the totem for 6% heal. Zombies will sometimes die, re-summon them. Later, you will get skeletons. Summon skeletons to kill monsters and bosses.

In act 2, you will get skitterbots. Link them with infernal legion gem. They will burn and kill most monsters. Summon skeletons against bosses.

In act 3, replace skeletons with spectres. Keep zombies & skitterbots.

Gear Setup


Crafted +1 helmet -> (Wraithlord) -> life helmet -> Crafted +3 level minion gems helmet


Any chest -> 5L rare -> Tabula Rasa or 6L rare -> (6L Vis Mortis) -> 6L crafted delve +1 number spectre

NOTE: never buy 5-link Vis Mortis!


Crafted gloves with life, resis


(Bones of Ullr) -> Fossil-crafted boots (+1 level of all raise spectre)


Wand from Atzoatl or

Convoking wand with +1 minion gem or

Convoking wand with +1 minion, +1 spell gems

NOTE: must not have 'adds x lighting damage to spells'


Any shield with high life -> Crafted Shaper shield with 'recover 5% life when block'



Any belt -> Stygian Vise with life, resis


Amulet: Rare amulet or Jinxed Juju or Amulet with +1 int gems

Anointment: Ravenous Horde

Rings: any ring; vermillion recommended.


You can craft or buy ghastly eyes. Mod priorities:

  • life
  • increased minion attack/cast speed or increased minion damage
  • Taunt

Highly recommend for Sirus fight

'Corrupted Blood cannot be inflicted on you'

Recommended Unique Jewels:

Anatomical Knowledge: +flat life & 8% increased maximum life

Unending Hunger: 50% chance for minion to gain Soul Eater


Blood of the Karui - fast life recovery + instant life recovery

Bubbling Divine Flask of Staunching - instant life flask & remove bleed

Chemist's Quicksilver of Adrenaline - 70% increased movement speed

Experimenters's Quartz Flask of Heat - 10% Dodge & remove freeze

Rumi's Concoction - 20%/10% block & 3000 armour


[3.10] PoE Delirium Templar Freezing Pulse Totem Hierophant Safe Build (PC,PS4,Xbox,Mobile)

Welcome to PoE 3.10 Freezing Pulse Totem guide for the Hierophant! This guide will carefully introduce you to the setup of skills and the choice of items, even if you are a new player, you can get a good experience!


[3.10] PoE Delirium Ranger Ice Shot Deadeye Starter Build (PC,PS4,Xbox,Mobile)

This PoE 3.10 Ranger Ice Shot Starter Build using the syndicate mod '5% chance to gain frenzy charge on critical strikes', by having a high attack speed, high crit chance and a lot of arrows, we will have 100% frenzy up time against bosses.

Poe Feeding Frenzy Zombies 1


[3.10] PoE Delirium Duelist Lacerate Gladiator Beginner Build (PC,PS4,Xbox,Mobile)

This PoE 3.10 Duelist Bleed Lacerate Build can guarantees you have enough tank to do all the content in the game. If you hate having to use Flasks, if you like bleed damage, Just try it!


2019 Christmas Event Headhunter Winner

Our final prize for the Christmas event has been generated, let us congratulate this lucky player!


[3.10] PoE Delirium Templar Storm Brand Inquisitor Beginner Build (PC,PS4,Xbox,Mobile)

PoE 3.10 new Archmage support skills are a huge improvement for storm brand. The mechanics of Storm Brand are such that you cast the Brand and then can 'refresh' the brand with a Brand Recall which prevents us from suffering the mana penalty. Starter Friendly!


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Feeding Frenzy 2 Free Download


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Yea, the type of damage you deal has no effect on what Saquawal's Nest does for the build. It will still be BiS. But remember to change the links, Maim loses its bonus if you convert. Other gems might be better then. Grave Intentions becomes a good passive too. It is really bad for pure phys zombies.

Maim loses its bonus when I convert, for the armour or the Tirad Grip Gloves?
What does Grave Intentions do? The poe.gamepedia website is down for me somehow.

Maim does make enemies take more physical damage. And Grave Intentions is a passive node that gives a chance to get unholy might. Pretty bad for pure phys zombies, as you use Brutality with them to get the highest damage. But an ok boost for conversion zombies.

So my 6 Link after getting the triad glove with 4 white sockets will be:
feeding frenzy
melee physical
empower 4/maim
Posted by
on Sep 12, 2019, 6:01:54 PM

Yea, and you have level 23 Zombies and I have level 30 Zombies. And PoB tells me that means more than double the damage. If we take into account that you would use a different support instead of Empower it comes out at around 40% difference. And Zombies are what deal damage in this build not spectres, golems or skellies. So noone cares about them having +2. Well, we care for the life they gain from higher levels. Also, level 23 Zombies will be dieing A LOT in the endgame.
I think you HUGELY underestimate how much damage Zombies gain from levels.

Why would I have only level 23 Zombies?
21 Raise Zombie
+2 Staff
+2 Ascendancy
+3 level 4 Empower
+2 Support gems enchant (Empower)
Thats level 30 Zombies just like you. Except now I also have +2 on all my other minions, offerings and Auras.
As for Skellies that actually outdamage Zombies on a 1 to 1 basis. Always have.
Last edited by Max_zero on Sep 12, 2019, 6:04:59 PM
Posted by
on Sep 12, 2019, 6:03:20 PM
Last edited by Kaegyn on Sep 12, 2019, 6:43:20 PM
Posted by
on Sep 12, 2019, 6:10:00 PM
So what is everybody using as their curse? I know we are using Animate Guardian to apply Vulnerability on hit, but he counts as a seperate player, so we still have another curse to either self cast or get from our minions.
I changed my Spectre setup to 2xCarnage Chieftain, 1xHost Chieftain and 1xDiabolist. And man, that Diabolist is spamming Enfeeble all over the screen like its his favorite thing ever. And the effect is actually insane, I get hit A LOT less and when I get hit it hurts a lot less too. So I would definitely recommend getting a Diabolist as the 4th Spectre.
Did I miss it in the opening post? Or did OP not talk at all about what curse he uses?

Well for me I’m simply not cursing! Really though, either go exclusively with AG curse or with a Spectre curse since they will cancel each other out. I mentioned earlier that it’s possible for AG to double curse with corrupted Oskarm (expensive) or Asenath’s Gentle Touch (very expensive). Both methods would probably be cheapest by far to buy and corrupt yourself.
I also think this should work: Give the AG +1 curse limit but have him only curse once. Using a curse Spectre would override the AG’s curse, but the very next AG’s attack should reapply his curse due to his +1 limit. The AG can have up to +2 curses, which would allow the same process using what I mentioned above.
Qlida, however, dropped his curse Spectre due to its movement speed.
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Posted by
on Sep 12, 2019, 6:12:03 PM

The problem is that if you're using vuln gloves on your AG, that's all the curses your minions can cast. They don't respect the +1 curse from passive tree. So diabolist is useless :D.

Yea, you laugh while spreading bullshit, thinking you are clever and I am stupid... AG is a seperate entity from the player. He basically counts a second player. He has his own curse limit of 1. The player, and his direct minions, has a totally seperate curse limit of 1. Maybe get some VERY basic summoner information before proceeding to laugh at people? I mean, it is in the OP, it is in the poe wiki, if you had read anything at all you should know this.
Direct quote from the wiki:
The Guardian does not share your max amount of curses you can apply to enemies, and therefore functions as a player with the default curse limit when applying curses (through corrupted gloves, for example).

I love helping new players and answering questions, as seen on the last 10 pages here, but things like this really grind my gears.

I laugh because I added a :D which you also did while flaming the guy who made this thread for not having diabolist on the list, despite him having that info first and then removing it? I'm sorry, I don't understand. He actually has 'NOTE! The Guardian does not share your max amount of curses you can apply to enemies, and therefore functions as a player with the default curse limit when applying curses (through corrupted gloves, for example). - Quoted from Path of exile wiki!'
Way earlier in the thread people actually tested using AG and diabolist and said it didn't work. Now you come in and say it works. Show me it working I guess? We have conflicting data.
Posted by
on Sep 12, 2019, 6:29:42 PM
I'm in awe at some of the gear y'all have already. I'm level 87 and only just recently was able to afford my first Efficient Training jewel. I still need probably 10 exalts worth of gear. How is everyone farming their gear so fast??
Posted by
on Sep 12, 2019, 6:44:21 PM
I'm in awe at some of the gear y'all have already. I'm level 87 and only just recently was able to afford my first Efficient Training jewel. I still need probably 10 exalts worth of gear. How is everyone farming their gear so fast??

use poe profile and see
all play 5 link weapon and 5 link armour
its all y need to t15 map
Posted by
on Sep 12, 2019, 6:50:42 PM

The problem is that if you're using vuln gloves on your AG, that's all the curses your minions can cast. They don't respect the +1 curse from passive tree. So diabolist is useless :D.

Yea, you laugh while spreading bullshit, thinking you are clever and I am stupid... AG is a seperate entity from the player. He basically counts a second player. He has his own curse limit of 1. The player, and his direct minions, has a totally seperate curse limit of 1. Maybe get some VERY basic summoner information before proceeding to laugh at people? I mean, it is in the OP, it is in the poe wiki, if you had read anything at all you should know this.
Direct quote from the wiki:
The Guardian does not share your max amount of curses you can apply to enemies, and therefore functions as a player with the default curse limit when applying curses (through corrupted gloves, for example).

I love helping new players and answering questions, as seen on the last 10 pages here, but things like this really grind my gears.

I laugh because I added a :D which you also did while flaming the guy who made this thread for not having diabolist on the list, despite him having that info first and then removing it? I'm sorry, I don't understand. He actually has 'NOTE! The Guardian does not share your max amount of curses you can apply to enemies, and therefore functions as a player with the default curse limit when applying curses (through corrupted gloves, for example). - Quoted from Path of exile wiki!'
Way earlier in the thread people actually tested using AG and diabolist and said it didn't work. Now you come in and say it works. Show me it working I guess? We have conflicting data.

The Guardian entry is a little strangely worded but what it means is that your curse limit increases does not apply to the AG and vice versa. So basically if you have a Curse limit of 2 and the AG has a Curse limit of 2 then each of you can apply two Curses but the target you attack still only has a Curse limit of 2 not 4.
You can easily test this by giving your AG 1 Curse and yourself 1 Curse and the Curses won't stack.
If you read the Curse entry on PoE wiki it explains how you can't even stack Curses between players if there is no Curse limit increase.
Posted by
on Sep 12, 2019, 6:59:06 PM
I'm in awe at some of the gear y'all have already. I'm level 87 and only just recently was able to afford my first Efficient Training jewel. I still need probably 10 exalts worth of gear. How is everyone farming their gear so fast??

use poe profile and see
all play 5 link weapon and 5 link armour
its all y need to t15 map

4 White Socket Triad Grip = 3-4 exalt
Astramentis = 1 exalt (+ 0.75 exalt oils needed for Death Attunement)
2 Efficient Training Jewels = 2-2.5 exalt
The Baron = 0.5-1 exalt
Aspect of the Avian ring with all those juicy resists = 1 exalt
I can likely still do T15 maps with my shit gear, but I'm still in awe at how well geared a lot of you are already, especially those with 6 link Saqawal's Nests.
Posted by
on Sep 12, 2019, 6:59:41 PM
The way I see it is even if you have 2 curses on your character, every time your ag hits it will override the curse from your spectre instead of adding +1. If the AG has two curse limit then yeah, sure. If it's wrong then I'd be happy to learn about it.
Oops @Max_zero I missed your post while typing this, but yeah that was what I thought as well.
Last edited by Silverpion on Sep 12, 2019, 7:43:57 PM
Posted by
on Sep 12, 2019, 7:12:43 PM

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