Feeding Frenzy Nghia La Gi

Feeding Frenzy Nghia La Gi

bite the hand that feeds one

turn against or hurt a helper or supporter, repay kindness with wrong My niece is biting the hand that feeds her if she keeps abusing the help that her parents are giving her.

bite the hand that feeds one|bite|feed|feeds|hand

v. phr. To turn against or hurt a helper or supporter; repay kindness with wrong. He bit the hand that fed him when he complained against his employer.

bite the hand that feeds you

be unkind to the one who cares for you or pays you If you criticize your employer, you bite the hand that feeds you.

chicken feed

a small sum of money The money that I lost at the horse races was only chicken feed so I am not worried about it at all.

chicken feed|chicken|feed

n., slang A very small sum of money. John and Bill worked very hard, but they were only paid chicken feed.Mr. Jones is so rich be thinks a thousand dollars is chicken feed.


If something is small or unimportant, especially money, it is chickenfeed.

Don't bite the hand that feeds

When someone says this to you, they are trying to tell you not to act against those on whom you depend.


In addition to the idioms beginning with feed, also see bite the hand that feeds you; chicken feed; off one's feed; put on the feed bag.
* * *
- fed to the gills
- feed bag
- feed one's face
- feed someone a line
- feed the kitty

feed back

1.return as feedback反馈
Teachers should attach importance to what is feeding back from the students.教师们应该对从学生处反馈来的信息给予重视。
The teacher found that nothing was feeding back to him from his students.这位教师发觉学生们对他的讲解毫无反应。
The computer feeds back everything you need to know.计算机反馈你所需要了解的一切事情。
2.affect or modify the process that brought it about影响或修改原过程,反过来对原过程起促进作用
A lot of ideas are feeding back from the applied science into the pure science.应用科学的许多概念反过来对理论科学起着促进作用。

feed bag

feed bag
put on the feed bag
Slang to eat a meal

feed off

1.eat one's food from(a place,a dish,etc.)从…取得食物
The guests sat crosslegged around a low table and fed off a big plate.客人们围着一张矮桌子盘腿而坐,吃大盘子里的东西。
The pigs fed off the same trough.这些猪在一个食槽里吃食。
2.use as a source or supplier of food, materials,energy,etc.以…为食物、材料、能量等的来源
These little bears feed off the leaves of this special tree.这些小熊以这种特殊的树叶为食。
When fresh food and water are not available,the camel can feed off its hum.当得不到新鲜食物和水时,骆驼能以驼峰为养料的来源。
To avoid a power cut,they decided to feed off an alternative generator.为了防止停电,他们决定靠备用发电机发电。
Some bigger newspapers feed off reports in smaller papers.一些大报常采用小报的新闻报道。

feed on

1.live on; take as food以…为食物
Cattle feed chiefly on grass.牛主要以草为食。
What do you feed your dog on?你用什么喂你的狗?
We feed our dogs on fresh meat.我们用新鲜的肉喂狗。
He is out of employment and feeds on a friend.他失业了,靠朋友生活。
2.become nourished,satisfied or strengthened from;consume or utilize from从…得到供养、满足、增强;以…为能源
His convictions feed on determination.由于有了决心,他的信心增强了。
The eye feeds on beautiful objects.美景悦目。
The gas turbine feeds on the fuel it pumps.燃气轮机以它抽入的燃料为能源。

feed on/upon

1.live on; take as food以…为食物
Cattle feed chiefly on grass.牛主要以草为食。
What do you feed your dog on?你用什么喂你的狗?
We feed our dogs on fresh meat.我们用新鲜的肉喂狗。
He is out of employment and feeds on a friend.他失业了,靠朋友生活。
2.become nourished,satisfied or strengthened from;consume or utilize from从…得到供养、满足、增强;以…为能源
His convictions feed on determination.由于有了决心,他的信心增强了。
The eye feeds on beautiful objects.美景悦目。
The gas turbine feeds on the fuel it pumps.燃气轮机以它抽入的燃料为能源。

feed one's face

Idiom(s): feed one's face
to eat. (Slang.)
• Come on, everyone. It's time to feed your faces.
• Bill, if you keep feeding your face all the time, you'll get fat.

feed sb a line

Idiom(s): give someone a line AND feed someone a line
to lead someone on; to deceive someone with false talk.
• Don't pay any attention to John. He gives everybody a line.
• He's always feeding us a line.

feed someone a line

deceive He was feeding me a line about his plans to open a new restaurant downtown.

feed the kitty

Idiom(s): feed the kitty
Theme: MONEY
to contribute money.
• Please feed the kitty. Make a contribution to help sick children.
• Come on, Bill. Feed the kitty. You can afford a dollar for a good cause.

feed up

give sb.plenty of good,nourishing food in order to build up his body给某人足够的营养食物以增进健康
She fed him up on the best food she could get.她尽可能地给他补养。
You are very weak after your illness,so we'll have to feed you up.病后你很虚弱,我们得让你补养起来。
You must feed up to grow stronger.你必须吃点有营养的食物使身体长得更强壮些。
Your child looks too thin; he needs feeding up.你的孩子看上去太瘦了,他需要加强营养。

feed upon

1.live on; take as food以…为食物
Cattle feed chiefly on grass.牛主要以草为食。
What do you feed your dog on?你用什么喂你的狗?
We feed our dogs on fresh meat.我们用新鲜的肉喂狗。
He is out of employment and feeds on a friend.他失业了,靠朋友生活。
2.become nourished,satisfied or strengthened from;consume or utilize from从…得到供养、满足、增强;以…为能源
His convictions feed on determination.由于有了决心,他的信心增强了。
The eye feeds on beautiful objects.美景悦目。
The gas turbine feeds on the fuel it pumps.燃气轮机以它抽入的燃料为能源。


reply, response, reaction to a plan, splashback ''What is the feedback on our plan to cut education funds?' 'Negative. People disapprove.''

Feeding Frenzy

An aggressive attack on someone by a group.

for chicken feed

for chicken feed
see chicken feed.

Never Bite The Hand That Feeds You

Don't hurt anyone that helps you.

off feed|feed|off|off one's feed

adj. phr., informal Not feeling well; lacking in vitality; droopy; moody. Mary was worried; her canary was off feed.Jerry seemed to be off his feed; he did not joke and laugh with the others.

off one's feed

off one's feed
Have no desire to eat, have lost one's appetite, as in Even though Mom's gone only for a week, her absence puts Dad off his feed. Originating in the early 1800s and first used only for animals, this colloquial term later was applied to humans as well.

put on the feed bag

Idiom(s): put on the feed bag
to eat a meal. (Folksy and slang.)
• It's noon—time to put on the feed bag.
• I didn't put on the feed bag until about eight o'clock last night.


make something very easy for someone He is a very strict teacher and never likes to spoon-feed his students.


v. 1. To feed with a spoon. Mothers spoon-feed their babies. 2a. To make something too easy for (a person). Bill's mother spoon-fed him and never let him think for himself.Alice depended on her mother for all decisions because she had been spoon-fed. 2b. To make (something) too easy for someone. Some students want the teacher to spoon-feed the lessons.
FrenzyFeeding Frenzy Nghia La Gi

Feeding Frenzy Nghia La Gi Trong Tieng Viet

Frenzy: extreme mental agitation; wild excitement or derangement., a fit or spell of violent mental excitement; a paroxysm characteristic of or resulting from a mania, to drive to frenzy; make frantic, noun, noun, he is subject to these frenzies several times.

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