Feeding Frenzy Urban Dictionary

  1. Dictionary.com is the world’s leading online source for English definitions, synonyms, word origins and etymologies, audio pronunciations, example sentences, slang phrases, idioms, word games, legal and medical terms, Word of the Day and more. For over 20 years, Dictionary.com has been helping millions of people improve their use of the English language with its free digital services.
  2. So in a frenzy of despair Marija began to claw her way toward the doors of this building, through a throng of men, women, and children, all as excited as herself. View in context Akut, knowing the temper and customs of his kind, was too wise to make their presence known until the frenzy of.

Sentence with the word feeding frenzy

Microsoft and IBM are in a feeding frenzy.

A feeding frenzy. COMMON A feeding frenzy is a situation in which a lot of people become very excited about an event and try to get as much information about it or get as much advantage from it as they can, often in an unpleasant way.

Even the shark from 'Jaws' wouldn't stand a chance in a feeding frenzy.

The made in America comeback could eventually fuel a feeding frenzy among businesses looking to corner the market.

Dude, a few friends and I were blazing one night and once we all had the munchies, we shot through to Mcd's and had a feeding frenzy!!

At lunch today, there was a feeding frenzy going on in the cafeteria.

  • Sentence for 'feeding frenzy'
    • Microsoft and IBM are in a…
A state of violent mental agitation or wild excitement.
Temporary madness or delirium.
A mania; a craze.
by Jiggulo July 01, 2003
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An orgy with 50+ people done to fastpaced techno music and disco lights.
We got a frenzygoing down tonight and we'd love all 48 of you to come.
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Alter-Ego of a Swedish Boy. He uses this alter-ego while playing computer-games.
He´s smart and good looking.
He´s also an 'PsychoticLunatic', dont be afraid mostly he doesnt bite(Because he wears a mouth-cuff).
Feeding frenzy urban dictionary list

Urban Dictionary Slang Definitions

.Frenzy. _Frenzy_ FrenzyOne
-Do you know Frenzy?
-Ya of course, hes the man!
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Urban Dictionary Name Meanings

  • 1. Shonda
  • 2. butt luge
  • 3. COVID boomer
  • 4. The Cheese Touch
  • 5. finger guns
  • 6. cookies n cream
  • 7. trap king
  • 8. Convidiot
  • 9. Sicc
  • 10. Nouha
  • 11. pre-med
  • 12. lax bro
  • 13. porky pigging
  • 14. alpha widow
  • 15. Uno
  • 16. candy raver
  • 17. Cherry Popped
  • 18. trained
  • 19. Kush ups
  • 20. greetin'
  • 21. virility
  • 22. Coroned
  • 23. $ROPE
  • 24. Ndl
  • 25. Lambon
  • 26. Coronic
  • 27. Blackfishing
  • 28. jane fonda
  • 29. shacking
  • 30. Fish Fry

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